
A Letter from the Midtown Meals on Wheels to You, Saint Mary Parishioners

Dear Church of Saint Mary Members,

As the new year 2011 begins, it seems appropriate to reflect on our service to the homebound, aged and disabled of Tulsa. It is also time to try and thank those who have made our service possible in 2010.

We served almost 17,000 meals in 2010 with the help of over 120 wonderful volunteers. Our cost for those meals was $41,966.99. The only other expenses paid from the $37,918.42 we received in donations were a total of $296.00. Of that amount $288.00 was for Christmas gifts for our recipients. ONLY $8.00 was paid for other expenses. Our volunteers personally paid all other necessary expenditures. I am extremely proud to be associated with such a generous and dedicated group of individuals. the shortfall in our income was covered by donations from previous years. We received NO monies from any government agency. We were granted the use of our facilities through the generosity of Christ the King Church. They provided our office, let us have the use of their kitchen and paid our utilities and phone costs.

Your kind donation of $5,100 in 2010 was greatly appreciated. We are proud that virtually ALL of your donation went to our recipients. Thank you SO much. We look forward to continuing to serve the community with the help of you and the other good people of Tulsa. May God bless you and yours in 2011.

Respectfully yours,
Patrick Keaney
President- Midtown Meals on Wheels

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