
Catholic School's Monday

"Dear God, Thank you for letting me go to a Catholic School to learn about you. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen." This little start and many others hung in the hallway outside the First Grade classroom expressing student's prayers of thanks for their education.

Meet the judges for the door decorating contest. Kathy Desruisseau our Business Administrator, Monsignor Dorney, and Father Kastl!

The preschool got a tour of the parish offices as part of their Catholic School's Week Adventures.

The 8th grade girls played the 8th grade boys in a volley ball game, and many teachers dressed up to cheer them on. Teacher Evy Gisler looks super excited to watch the game!

Monsignor takes a moment to pose with the cheerleaders.

The girls won one game and the boys won the next. Nice work!

***Catholic Schools Week activities are not entirely lost due to weather. Many activities will be rescheduled, including the Baby Picture Con- test and the Name the Saint Contest. Watch for more information from the school.

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