
Saint Mary Youth Important Updates!

DANCE: Hey Guys and Girls - The Dance is still on as of right now. If St. Mary's School is cancelled on Friday, then the dance will also be cancelled! Since last week was crazy, the due date to get on the list for the dance is extended for St. Mary's youth until Wednesday Night. Signing up past tomorrow night is only allowed if your own parent chaperones.

LOCK IN: Because the weather IS a little iffy for this weekend, last week put us behind in our planning, and because our desire is for the Lock-in to be the most amazingly cool experience it could be, the Lock-in Team has decided to postpone until the end of March or the beginning of April. To make up for postponing the event, we will make it even bigger and better than it was going to be! The date will be set soon, so keep your eyes open for this exciting event!

SNOWED-IN TRIVIA: If school is cancelled tomorrow, then that means we won't have ROCKsolid...a very good chance of that, according to the weather reports. So, instead, we're going to have an online Trivia Contest for the Parish, hosted on the St. Mary's Youth Blog: http://saintmarysyouth.blogspot.com/ between 6 and 8pm tomorrow night. It's a chance to cure your cabin fever boredom by participating in a real-time trivia contest with a chance of winning prizes! Check in at 6pm to participate; winners will be announced online at 8pm. Even if you don't feel like you're a smartypants, you should participate because there will be additional prizes given to randomly selected participants! Fun!

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