
School Budget 2011-2012

On Thursday, February 10, the St. Mary School Advisory Committee met to review and approve the proposed budget for the 2011-12 school year.

For 2011-12, the Education Trust Fund contribution will be determined by a 5-year average of the year-end balance of the trust. This new method of calculating the contribution will give us a more consistent amount to count on, despite potential swings in the stock market. This year, the contribution will be $68,611.

We are becoming a stronger stewardship parish; parents and students logged more than 7,500 hours of service in the past year (Time and Talent). A strong increase in tithing to the parish(Treasure) adds significantly to our bottom line: the 14% of regular offertory collection income that the parish gives to support the school will increase by more than $13,000 to $249,687.

We understand that our tuition increase for 2011-12 will be less than all other Catholic schools in the Diocese, who are looking at 6 -10%tuition increases.

Though our budget is increasing by 6.5%, our tuition will increase be only 4.85%. We do not take lightly the significant sacrifice families make to send their children to St. Mary, and as you can see from the relatively low increase in tuition, many people work hard to keep costs as low as possible.

More good news: St. Mary teachers and staff will receive a raise and step increase, with which we will bring the salaries for our teachers to 95% of what Tulsa Public, Broken Arrow and Jenks Public Schools pays teachers. To get to this level has been a long time in the making, and we will make every effort to keep our pay competitive.

Tuition Rates 2011-12:

If you have any questions, please any of us.

Msgr. Dorney

Maureen Clements

Aimee Mehl

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