
Food Barrels Need Filling

*Update: the barrels were filled this past Sunday! Thank you and please keep up the good works!
Do you know that our parish and school community helps provide groceries for approximately 160 families a week? It is such a great blessing that our community can extend food to those in need. Thank you for all your generosity in making this possible.

However, the summer months have been slow, and the food donation barrels that are normally full are empty. Filling dinner plates is a form of filling the heart and showing God's love. He fills our cups to overflowing each day. Please help fill our barrels to overflowing.

Things most needed are items that make a substancial meal on their own, such as:

-Betty Crocker Complete Meals
-Hamburger Helper

-Spahetti Sauce and noodles
-Macaroni and Cheese
-Cans of hearty soup

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