
Children's Choir and Hand Chimes

How can a child share their time and talent at church? Join the parish elementary choir. In this choir grades 1-5th come together and learn basic music theory and vocal technique. The choir season is from September to May and sings about once a month in a weekend liturgy. If your child has the love of singing and ready to spend one hour, one day a week with a choir, sign them up. Registration forms will be available beginning August 9 in Beckerle Hall. You may also contact the office annex for forms. Rehearsals are Tuesdays 3-4pm in Beckerle Hall. We will begin September 1. Karen Hiller is the director; you may contact her at khiller@churchofsaintmary.com

Handchimes for kids. Has your child come home from choir all excited they played handchimes at school, or choir practice and wish they could play more? This fall Walter Stout and Karen Hiller will begin a choir strictly for handchime ringing. Children in grades 3-6th are invited. A basic understanding of rhythm and note names is encouraged. This is a beginning group, so we will start from the beginning of how to hold a chime to ringing anthems during weekend liturgies. If you have an interest we want to hear from you today; please contact Walter or Karen. Rehearsals will be on Tuesdays from 4:15 to 5pm in the church and will begin September 1.

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