
A Note From Father Kastl In Haiti On A Mission Visit

A note from Father Kastl in Haiti on a mission visit:
Greetings Dear Ones,
We arrived in Haiti at 7:05AM CST....
Father packing a few days before the mission
team left for Haiti.
We boarded the plane in Florida to a VERY FULL flight. I had a wonderful conversation with a lady who moved from Haiti when she was ten but continues to go back to help her people. That set the tone to landing on a runway which was lined on both sides with tin sheds and blue tarp roofs. It is a surreal experience to see such poverty, but against the backdrop of a bleak canvas one sees all around them a people who are so beautiful in smile and in style.
I made the observation today, that although this country is sacked with corruption and a situation which seems nearly impossible to come back from, they wear clean and vibrant clothes and take such pride in their appearance and happy demeanor. They are most welcoming. 
It was a treat today when we landed at the Port au Prince airport to learn we would not be making the three hour drive that covers 75 miles and two mountain ranges which can at times be unsafe for the common traveler.
We were greeted by MAF, a Baptist organization that flies missionaries all over Haiti to do their work. 
So after a short delay, we boarded this small six-seater prop plane to pop over the two mountain ranges and circle once over the gravel landing pad to clear the people and the live stock for a bumpy landing.
Once the plane lined up, we made our approach and let me tell you, it was an experience unlike any other. With a dust storm behind us due to the exhaust of the plane and the wheels fighting against the stones, we came to a sudden stop in Hinche, where our 1970 model Land Rover met us.
We arrived to the mission around 10AM today and have been taking it all in ever since.
It is a joy to see the simplicity of life, rather than the drastically poor life these people live in, and how this mission gives hope to one soul at at time, as they school 1,200 children each day, feeding them breakfast and lunch, teach adults certain trades and talents to survive, bake thousands of loaves of bread a week and distribute large amounts of food and provide spiritual formation through the scriptures and the sacraments. The Holy Spirit is alive here! Thanks be to God!
I must sign off...It's time to go to bed. I will celebrate Mass at 6:30AM in the morning for our group and the 14 dentist who are here to do their ministry. After that, I will spend the day cleaning instruments, dabbing blood from freshly pulled teeth and then helping Fr. Glen cook dinner!
Thank you for your prayers! Know I am thankful for your support in being here! My prayers are with you!
Father Kastl

1 comment:

  1. Three cheers for Fr.Kastl and our accompanying parishoners. Haiti is the poorest nation in the Caribbean. The corrrupt government is a disaster. Now that Baby Doc Devailier and J.P. Aristede are back in town to get get their hands on all that foreign aid money pouring into the country the people have more to fear. Relief funds sent to Haiti have gone missing and are still unaccounted for. It is unfortunate that the US could not send all those unused trailer homes form our Hurricane Katrina to the Hatian people to temporarily alleviate their housing problems.

    For more insight into Haiti read the book Over the Next Mountain.

    One must ask why has Haiti failed over so many years where other Caribbean island countries have prospered with tourism.

    God be with Fr.Kastl and crew.


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