
Matthew In a Day Seminar a Great Success!

This past Saturday from 9am to 3pm, Church of Saint Mary hosted the Matthew in a Day conference let by Dr. Tim Gray with around 240 people in attendance.

This program is part of the Great Adventure Bible study series and takes a close look at the book of Matthew, especially on its connections in the Old Testament. Dr. Gray emphasized how it is almost impossible to really understand the New Testament and Jesus unless you have a knowledge of the Old Testament and the history of Israel.

Of the attendees, 75% were from St. Mary's and 25% from other parishes or even a few from other faiths.

A conference this size does not happen on its own. There were about 25 volunteers who helped make it possible. They were there before the event to organize the study packets, name tags and payment, as well as greet people as they arrived.

The biggest job of the day was the hospitality committee, a team of eight ladies who provided bagels and coffee in the morning, delicious box lunches(purchased), and snacks and drinks during the breaks.

Finally, Candace and the kids and parents from the Middle School Lock-In the night before helped set up the tables in the gym and cafeteria for all of the people.

It was a great day.

1 comment:

  1. Kudos to Diane Erbacher and CarolKmetz for bringing Bible Study to St. Mary. These two give so much of their time. We are fortunate to have them with us. Their unsurpassed dedication is appreciated. Thank you ladies.


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