December 10-11
3rd Sunday of Advent
This weekend, the changes in the mass translation, as well as the changes in the music, are in effect. We will be using the Mass of St. Frances Cabrini, which we have been practicing before mass for the last few weeks. The tunes are memorable and very sing-able, and should aid all of us in learning these new texts.
Prelude (5:00p)- Advent Celebration, Mark Patterson, (b.1960)
The elementary vocal choir will be joining us for the Saturday mass. They will be setting a tone of anticipation and hope before the Mass begins by singing Patterson's Advent Celebration. This selection speaks of the joy in waiting for the coming Lord, that we not only look forward to the promised hope, but that we prepare for it, and celebrate the expectation that we share. Mark Patterson is an acclaimed composer, conductor, and teacher, currently living in Virginia. He has been a consistent winner of the ASCAP Award in Composition for over ten years.
Prelude (10:30a)- Improvisation: Meditation on Soon and Very Soon/Prepare the Way of the Lord, Jacques Berthier, (1923-1994)
Each week during Advent, the prelude will consist of a short improvised meditation that leads into the Taizé chant, Prepare the Way of the Lord. The meditation will introduce the tune of the opening hymn, as we prepare for worship, and will lead into the choir singing a simple, repetitive Advent chant in a round. This is meant to remind us of the meaning behind the change of season in our church year, that we might approach the Eucharist with expectant hearts.
Preparation of the Gifts (5:00p)- Christ is Coming Soon, Harriet Ilse Ziegenhals, (b.1925)
The elementary vocal choir will be presenting another selection during the preparation of the gifts. This anthem truly encapsulates the Advent spirit. It tells the Advent story, from the Annunciation to the manger, and urges us to prepare for His arrival and "sing hosanna," which we will all do in the following piece of music we sing, the Holy, Holy, Holy. Ziegenhals is a well-known composer, conductor, and organist, as well as the founder of the Jubilate Singers.
Preparation of the Gifts (10:30a)- Comfort, Comfort Ye My People, Michael Bedford, (b.1949)
The St. Mary choir will present this Advent anthem for the 10:30 am Mass. The text is drawn from the book of Isaiah and the tune from Claude Goudimel's 1551 hymn (found on page 370 in Worship). In this song God promises hope and comfort to His people, and we are urged to prepare the way of the Lord. Composer Michael Bedford takes advantage of the dancelike rhythm of the melody and creates a fun, rhythmic accompaniment over which the choir sings polyphonic and sometimes surprising harmonies. Bedford is an important composer of church music today, and his music is presented in service and in concert all over the country. For the past 38 years, he has been serving as Organist and Choirmaster at St. John's Episcopal Church, right around the corner from St. Mary.
Communion (10:30a)- People, Look East, French Traditional
After we sing the communion hymn at the 10:30 am mass, the MaryBells will present a meditation. This version of the popular Advent carol, People Look East, will not only remind us of this season, but will help to guide our prayers in this meditative moment. This traditional French carol, dating from the 17th century in Besançon, is a song of preparation that expresses exactly where our focus should be during this season. We will all have a chance to sing the carol following Communion, as our closing song.
Will Buthod
Director of Music
Church of St. Mary
(918) 749 2561, ext 120
1347 E. 49th Pl.
Tulsa, OK 74105
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