
Big weekend ahead for R.C.I.A.!

At the next 10:30 Sunday Mass (23rd), the current R.C.I.A. community will participate in the Rite of Welcoming, otherwise know as the "Rite of Acceptance."

This is a big step for them. Most participants began inquiring into the Church in August and are now ready to declare their intention to continue in the R.C.I.A process before the congregation. A change of identity takes place during this ritual: those previously known as "inquirers" become catechumens (if seeking baptism) or candidates for full communion (if they are already baptized). Through our prayers, the parish will consecrate them for their ongoing journey to Easter. 

Please keep them in your prayers!

Those seeking baptism and initiation into the Church:

Julia Bond
Jordan Didier
Judy Nail

Baptized Christians seeking full communion with the Church:

Eric Danklefsen
Drew Fenton
Elizabeth (Liz) Krenz
Ashley Prentice
Joshua Prentice
Lyndell Summitt
Ann Stoeppelwerth
Jennifer Zuyus

Baptized Catholics seeking Confirmation and first Eucharist:

Erica Prizel
Michael Trysnicky

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