
Help for an Expectant Mommy

Hilary Elias, our Justice and Peace Director, had an expectant mother come to her yesterday needing a helping hand. She just moved to Oklahoma with her family, and she is in need of general baby/infant items, but she especially needs an infant car seat and a bassinet or crib. Because of job shifts, moving and insurance difficulties, she has been unable to go to the doctor at all during her pregnancy.

She is due March 27th, so let's rally as a parish and try to give this woman a welcome worthy of Tulsa, Oklahoma, and even more so a welcome worthy of representing Jesus and our faith.

Bring items to Hilary Elias at the Annex Office (If you don't know, that is on the west side of the parish in a house-shaped building. You can call Hilary at 918-749-2561 or email her here.

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