
Lent 2011: On Lenten Practice by Sister Christine

Our Lent Blog series will feature reflections about Lent. If you see or already have an article, quote, etc. about Lent that you'd like to share, email me, Ashley Daly.

The following piece is from a local blog that I love to read, A Benedictine Presence. The sisters at Saint Joseph's Monastery (Monte Cassino) fill this blog with thoughts about life and God. Posts are generally short and very insightful. I'm proud Tulsa has people adding beauty and wisdom to the world wide web.

On Lenten Practice
By Sr. Christine, OSB, at Saint Joseph's Monastery in Tulsa
A Benedictine Presence Blog

In the Rule (Chapter 49), Benedict tells us that “the life of a monk ought to be a continuous Lent.” When I first heard that, my immediate response was, “Yuck!” Forty days a year is Lent enough for me, thank you very much.
Of course, he goes on to say that few have the strength for this and then outlines his preference for the observance of the days of Lent.

Benedict is calling his followers to a purity of life, a manner of living which gives space for God to grow within us. While the ideal is to keep that space open for God all the time, we have the opportunity during Lent to clear out some of our personal clutter. Benedict asks us to both add something and do without something in out Lenten observance. This helps keep things balanced. Do without some food or drink or entertainment while also adding some extra service, like a particular prayer practice or a form of charitable work, can make for an enriching Lenten season. Focusing on the added service can help prevent focusing on what I’m giving up.

May your days of Lent be blessed and bring you closer to the heart of our God.

Sr. Christine, OSB

See the full blog series of Lent reflections here.

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