
Haiti Mission Trip with Father Kastl and Parishioners to Leave Sunday

Dear Parishioners,

After two attempted trips, I, along with parishioners Kathy Struttmann, Kathy Elliott and Steve Nelson will make our way to the SOLT Kobonal Haiti Mission, a mission which St. Mary's has helped support through monthly financial donations and other service projects for the past 12 years.
On Sunday, March 13th, this St. Mary mission team will fly to Miami, Florida where we will meet Fr. Glen Meaux, the director of the mission. The St. Mary team along with Fr. Meaux will fly into Porta Prince on Monday morning and make the three hour drive to the mission.
While staying at the mission we will have the opportunity to assist another mission team of 14 dentists who have been making mission trips to Haiti for years.
One of the major goals of this mission trip is to experience the process of planning the trip, learning how to navigate entry into the country and transportation to the mission, assess the needs of the mission, learn from the dentistry mission group and in turn return home to St. Mary to develop a plan for future mission trips from this parish. 

As you can imagine, the needs in Haiti are endless. I'm very proud that our parishioners have so generously given of their time, talent and treasure through different service projects such as gathering t-shirts, sports and school equipment, sewing of dresses, pledging to support a student and other monetary donations. And for some, they feel the call to go and experience the mission in a direct and hands on way.
Kathy Elliott, Kathy Struttmann and Steve Nelson have generously given of their time and resources to become the pioneer mission team who hope to plan and lead future mission trips from St. Marys. Some of these trips may be medically based, others may focus on education, still others may focus on building projects. 

Once the group returns, we are offering an evening of reflection on the experience. If you are interested in learning more about the SOLT Mission and the experience of this group, please join us on Sunday evening April 17, 2011 at 5PM in Beckerle Hall.

Father Kastl

***Please pray for the people of Haiti, please pray for Fr. Meaux and his ministry, please pray for the safety of Fr. Kastl, Kathy Struttmann and Kathy Elliott!  Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity, pray for us!

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