
ROCKsolid Middle School Lock-In Totally Rocked!

  • The goal was to have an event that melded together all the fun of a Lock-in, and some faith-experiences of a Retreat.
  • The planning team, led by Allyson Black, was made up of Steve and Jennifer Allen, Sharon Hammond, Beth Snapp, and Candice Steichen, and we also had about 25 adults that volunteered for shifts or even all-night to help supervise the activities.
  • We had 56 middle school youth attend the event. 
  • We played group games like: creating a hat out of inside-out duct tape to be used to gather the most plastic spoons by rolling their head in the spoon pile.  They had a pizza-eating contest, but were surprised when they found out their pizza was blended up and they had to drink it.
  • They enjoyed time to participate in fun activities with friends like "sumo-wrestling," an inflatable maze, karaoke, wii games projected on the wall, and playing pool in the Loft.
  • We gave back a little by putting together 50 sack-lunches to be given away to those in need from our Justice and Peace office.
  • The funny, bizarre, and faith-filled Chris Padgett of Stuebenville, Ohio, was our Emcee, who sang, told funny stories about his own family, and reminded us that as Catholics, we too are a family.
  • Fr. Kerry Walkulich said a candlelit Mass for us at 2:30am, and he encouraged all of us to think of our heart's greatest desire, and to imagine ourselves offering ourselves up with the Bread and Wine placed on the altar. 
  • Some youth chose to spend a few minutes in prayer in the chapel before the Eucharist in Adoration.
  • And some youth couldn't stay awake past 3am!
  • One parent was quoted as saying that her daughter had a great time, and kept telling her parents stories about all she had done.
  • The overall response seems to be that it was a good event, and could lead to even better Lock-ins and Retreat experiences in the coming years.

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