
Saint Mary Middle School Lock-In

Hey it's almost here! Our awesome Lock-in is on Friday Night, April 8th! We'll start with a late-night Cheese pizza dinner, have tons of Lock-in fun, and deepen our appreciation of Lent through the hilarious stories and the awesome music of our guest emcee, Chris Padgett, a hilarious guy and fabulous Catholic musician.

The only thing we're missing to be able to have our Lock-in? Volunteers! Parents, I know your kids want you to skip this one, but the fact is, without enough volunteers, we simply can't host the event. Please sign up for a shift with Candice Steichen or Beth Snapp right away!

Register for Lock-In by Thursday, April 7th!

Help us spread the word this weekend! Let Candice know if you'd like to help promote this event after any of the Masses this weekend!

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