
Fundraiser for Sisters

Fundraiser for Sisters- Two young women from the Tulsa diocese, Sr. Servant of the Cross, formally Angela Kmetz of St. Mary’s parish and Sr. Our Lady of Divine Providence, formally Meredith Schneider of Christ the King Parish, are now religious sisters in a missionary order, "The Servants of the Lord and the Virgin of Matara."  For those people interested in learning about and sharing in their mission, the families of these girls are having a free pasta dinner at the Bishop Kelley High School cafeteria on Sunday, January 29 at 5:30.  Proceeds from the “free will” offering at the dinner will be used to help purchase a new van, a desperate need for these sister’s Novitiate house in Maryland.  Their current van has 310,000 miles and is unreliable.

 Contact Carol Kmetz at: akmetz@cox.net or 918-557-3496 for questions or to donate.
Sr. Servant of the Cross,
Angela Kmetz from
Church of Saint Mary.
Sr. Our Lady of Divine
Providence, Meredith
Schneider of Christ the
King Parish.

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